Friday, August 31, 2007


As I spoke yesterday that we would witness triple digit green... today once the FED spoke. Exactly right. FED speak was a major event for wall street. FED spoke. He said he will act when the economy needs it. He said he will not bail out the bad guys... He is watching closely. He already did his part. The worst is over to my mind until a new crisis shows up.

We are on our way to higher highs on all indices ...DOW, S&P and NASDAQ... Oh but I sense a bit of a pause. Hmmmm... Now, they are waiting for the `PRESIDENT speak'... He speaks on Sub prime Reform Plan. The President will only speak positive. So after that is done the market will confirm GREEN.

I like to smile as The INDIAN ADRS are higher today ... and I will wait for next week to sell my positions in IBN, TTM and INFY.

GRMN broke out ... up to 105 and near the 52 week high which means it can go much higher. Thank you I said to my son who reminded me the other day when we got lost that the GPS device maker is a good stock.
Its a no-brainer GRMN is doing phenomenonally well. For those of you who have been aware of this stock since it was trading in the 30s and 40s you may think it makes no sense to buy now. I would think the same of APPLE... watched it in the teens... and 20s... for long -in the 30s thought how much higher can it go.BUT the IPOD and business across the board for APPLE skyrocketed its earnings and revenues... the stock went up to 100 split and is back over 138 now... so watching does not help. Regret certainly does not. I say the same for GRMN. IF the story for GPS devices looks good for the next couple of years and if I can stomach volatility...I buy it right now. My humble opinion is it goes to 120... splits 2 for 1 and starts over again ...

Vixx (volatility) is behaving itself... FED is ready to act when needed...the panic is over... its smooth sailing till Sep 18 when the Fed cuts rates or decides not to... so my prediction is we go finally to my target of DOW 13600... and NASDAQ 2630... S&P 1500 + ...VOILA VOILAHOO...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Astute...analysis..are u employed in the financial field?