Monday, September 24, 2007

SOLAR rally

Could not get more predictable. Solar momentum is back.
TSL crossed 50 on friday. Now the trading range is 50-60. Wont be surprized if TSL touches 55 today as shorts start scrambling to cover. AM in at 51.
Was not going to talk about GRMN until it reached 115- but am breaking my word. ITs 112 and I am beaming. GRMN took a nice pause in the 105 area. And theres no stopping it now. Its in the great growth GPS device sector- a leader and navigation devices are still not owned by one and all. It looks more to me like the beginning of an explosion.
I still am a believer of SIRF which is just beginning to come out of its slump. IT makes the chips that go into GRMN... Reached a 52 week low at 16 and change... and rushed up to 21 when an analyst gave a better view of it ... ITs 18.5 again... accumulating it is a good idea.

INFY= the Indian infotech play is sulking and has not participated in the relief rally. Still at 45 and change. The reason being the rupee appreciation not boding well for its earnings. With due respect to the valid reason, its a leader, its growing at a good pace and INDIA is back in formidable bull territory. I am pullin the trigger to BUY -downside is 42-43 but upside can be mid 50s at least toward the year end.

Its been all about picks. DOW 14000 is widely anticipated... should happen before the next FED meeting... in October and we take it from there. ITs a psychological number so its got to be reached... after such a great run from 12800 to 13800.... bulls should make it happen.

In and out - and cant go wrong.
Does not take much effort or time to just watch a bit and make a move. Mona is off again... will find some more stories for tomorrow. Meanwhile make the most of the madmarket moves and be alert and fearless... its only money.

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