Tuesday, November 20, 2007


At one point this day when the market was close to the August lows... I felt its time to `fold under pressure' and `throw in the towel' or whatever thay call it when the SELL SELL SELL. But I stopped watching as it all ends soon. The market is way oversold so we look for a bounce and hang in there.

Nordstrum saved some grace- It beat estimates... and did not warn so is up 4 bucks in a down market. In at 31- sold at 35 today. Not bad in 2 days. Bought some home builders- KBH at 21... is at a new 52 week low and some NTAP at 25- as technology corrects and folds under pressure, if I may use that expression one more time...

Not much else... the worst scenario is all over the markets. Recession, apocalypse, collapse, gloom, doom.... no room for optimism... no ones lookin at HPQ - that reported good numbers... technology is being thrown out as well. Another day or this week through... and black friday shopping stats. will be worth watching.

Lets have a happy thanksgiving and thanks for the fabulous trading opportunities - be on the right side of the trade. Sell highly volatile stocks that have been up more than warranted by fundamentals. And hold onto financials, housing... though no one will tell you that cept Mona as she analyzes the sentiment of the markets malady and brings her trades your way. BUY when everyone else is dying of heartburn and panic... and put only as much in the trading portfolio as you can afford to lose. Thats a constant caveat...

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