Friday, November 2, 2007


OUCH the market crashed yesterday - as it digested the FED speak. A bit absurd. Rate cut came in and maybe more rate cuts may not come in? Whatever. I am lookin at the job numbers - up 166000. Recession aint coming. Technology looks strong. Financials have to bottom... one of these days... Housing cannot keep swooning. Dooms day scenario is not warranted. No new bad news... same old bad news.

I would buy ... on weakness. Investment banks are all down with Merrill Lynch... MS= 58... LEH 57... no matter the wait- these are bargains... when everyone is on the sidelines... Mona says BUY. Retail is on sale... TGT 57, COH 34, JWN =37... got to nibble some... !

If there is a melt down today, next week we will see recovery. A jobs number of 166000 will be digested next week in a late reaction. Sentiment got crushed after yesterdays crash... and lets give it time to recover.

Stay tuned and hang in there. No need to panic. Cash is king, but you crown it on such days and put it to work in my humble opinion.

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