Wednesday, November 7, 2007

BUYING opportunity...

Mona thinks now is the time to buy- put cash to work and wait. Beaten up sectors look like falling knives- not many are bold to catch em. I am buying some beaten down financials and retail. Citi at 33.50 looks good despite the messes in management crowning... and strategy? I would say the bad news is out... and things tend to get better ... One little word of confidence from the company will make the stock spring back... Its tough to pick the bottom, I am convinced when all analysts stay away from financials... the worst is in it. So am buying some Citigroup... !

Retails stocks have been crushed... the higher end retail mainly, COACH, NORDSTRUM... and also TGT... am a buyer of all three ahead of the same-store numbers for October being released tomorrow. The prices are 33, 33 and we got into TGT last week at 57.

CSCO I was happy to sell yesterday at 34... it reports tonite. And CSCO hopefully will be a catalyst to turn the market around.

If CSCO numbers are a disappointment (I dont think they will disappoint after CHAMBERS' upbeat comments ) and if retail numbers are not good at all... the crash continues- DOW goes to 12800... and S & P to 1450... NASDAQ o 2700...

To my mind CSCO will report great numbers and retail weakness is priced in the stocks... so a relief rally tomorrow is called for. I hope I am right...

YGE our sole solar play- I sold half my position at 37... though solar sentiment is very much intact... but want to be cautious ahead of its earnings that come out tomorrow. We will watch that too.

We are still bearish on XOM and SLB... a near $100 oil price did nothing for the stocks... and they move lower ... ! Oil looks ready for a correction and though no one is saying it Gold is certainly due for a pullback from a lofty $840... ! So am sellin my gold stock -GOLDCORP from 24 to 37... was a good rally for me- Newmont mining- is up from 40 to 55... am a seller!

Volatile markets are a traders paradise. If we can be realistic and keep the fear out we can keep making money... in and out.... get the timing right... and know when all bets are off!

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